Friday, October 10, 2008

#@$#*&#!!! Traffic

One of my earliest posts on this blog was about road rage. Today had to be one of the all time blood pressure raising, road raging days of my commuting life. It took me nearly 3 hours to get to work this morning. AND I didn't have my cell phone with me. So here I was, stuck in never ending traffic, no way to reach anyone, knowing there were several deadlines waiting on my desk.

I tried CDs - I removed all my favorites from the car when I was loading up my laptop itunes.

I tried Book on CD - all I had were CDs I'd already finished.

I tried the radio - no good - annoying AM DJs, and highly stressful financial reports.

I tried watching the other people - that just made me more frustrated as all of THEM were on their phones!

In the end, there was nothing I could do. For TEN MILES. I went about 5 miles/hour. But it was more like 7 miles per hour. STOP. 5 miles per hour. STOP. 3 miles per hour. STOP.


And for the last hour at work, I've had 3 phone calls from friends telling me how backed up the highway is going home.

Given the state of Wall Street and its fallen heroes, think I can pick up a helicopter on the cheap?


Mrs. G. said...

Isn't it weird how it comes on so fast? I am usually a very chilled driver, but every once in a while, something sets me off and I seriously scream obscenities at the top of my lungs and consider ramming into other cars.

~Sheryl said...

Love that picture.

When I used to have a long commute, I enjoyed the time to myself. But honestly, I think 3 hours is too much time to be alone with myself. lol

The helicopter is a great idea... as long as you don't have to finance it.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

You definitely don't want to listen to the radio these days.