Thursday, June 9, 2011

Time to Build the Team

It's finally time.  After nearly two years of working in parallel, but not in tandem, our team of 19 professionals is coming together for a 2-day teambuilding meeting.  It starts at 8:30AM Thursday and it is looking promising.  I met with our meeting facilitator tonight to prep.

As an aside...this is  pretty good gig if you can keep your overhead low...meeting facilitation I mean.  We are paying a nice sum of money AND they are charging us direct expenses right down to an itemized shopping list from Staples for flip charts, markers, masking tape, and colored stickers. 

I was encouraged to learn every member of our team submitted the on-line survey and completed their advance team assignments of creating a custom presentation on services and challenges.  Everyone seems engaged and ready to go...and I think we've got a strong and positive team.  One of my fellow managers said, "I looked at the presentations and I felt like a proud mama they were so good!"  A good way to begin, I'd say.

We are down five people from where we started, and while we sure could use the manpower, we don't miss the negativity, performance issues, or just simple mis-fit of skills to organizational needs that each represented.

So here we go....the roller coaster ride begins.


AmyBow said...

who are you calling a negative misfit;)

Have fun!

Susan said...

You are lucky that the 5 that left were the bad pennies. Where I work we always seem to lose the good ones.

Kate Hanley said...

Good luck with everything. Glad you lost the negativity.