Tuesday, August 28, 2007

7-Year Itch

This is our 7th year vacationing at the Cape with our friends and their kids. The very first year, their youngest was only 6 months old. Each year is both a testament to, and a test of, our friendship. Good weather or bad, good mood or bad, good kids or bad...all bring ups and downs like a marriage.

Luckily our 7-year itch is not about the people (unless they are tiring of us!) but about the location. Specifically the run down little beach shack quaintly named Windy Gulch (pictured at right with best friend LH) that is starting to wear on our nerves. This year the standard ant infestation and cranky plumbing was joined by a persistent pungent stench in the bathroom and a rogue field mouse in the attached cottage.

Nostalgia aside it's time to scratch the itch and check the real estate offerings.

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