Monday, December 13, 2010

Crinkle of Paper, Jingle of Bells

It's that time again.  When I struggle mightily to come up with fresh new ideas for gifts for family, friends, and colleagues that does not simply add to the CRAPOLA factor.  You know, the stuff you give/get every year where you think, "where in the world will I put/use/keep this?"  In simpler times, people so often went without what they needed, much less wanted, that it was easy to find something in any price range that could really by used and treasured by the recipient. 

Nowadays, we all tend to get everything we need, and then some, and our wish list is largely satisfied too, except maybe for those big items that are truly lotto dreams.  I laughed when I looked at my nephew-in-law's Amazon list - where he has a $600 kegerator on the list.  I love you man, but maybe you can just be satisfied with a 6-pack?  Plus, you are in Cuba right now, so I'm pretty sure the kegerator would rust away unused for the next year.

Anyway, I managed to find some neat little things for those that we love and care for and I hope they are enjoyed by them all.  We also went to some edible gifts this year (be watching your doorstep some of you family gathering loved ones on 12/23-12/24) and some custom items that came back with us from Italy.

This weekend was wrapping time, so my house looks like this:

A preview of some of the sweet gifts I found at my favorite stores - Pier One and Home Goods (not to mention vendors in Venice, Murano, Burano, Rome, and Florence!)

I'll probably have to go back and get us one of these throws - Penny really took a liking to it!

I learned my lesson last year.  No fine/refined jewelry for the nieces...go funky, wild, and BIG!

I think I'm nearly done now.  Just "wrapping it up" (pardon the pun) now.  How are your holiday preparations shaping up?


Kate Hanley said...

I know what you mean about finding Christmas gifts. Luckily for me over the years, I've pared down to just my kids and maybe my husband if we decide we want to buy each other gifts. I leave his side of the family to him. Oh, and as for not decorating (just catching up), I totally agree. I try to keep the holidays stress free by deciding what I feel like doing and ignoring the rest.

Mama Lou said...

Hmmm wonder if our gifts are among those shown. loved the kitty shot.

Jane- 2 of 7 said...

I have it pared down as well. I don't even think about shopping until, well, about now. Hmmmm, I should start thinking about shopping. We don't decorate anymore as we are just too mellow. But then, I just might find the wreath and put it on the door. Or not.