Friday, November 30, 2007

And A Beer!

(okay, let me try this one more time)

In the heyday of SNL, there were wonderful characters like those crazy canadians Bob and Doug Mackenzie. I was thinking of them as I drove to work this week, being driven nearly insane by the constant barage of Christmas music. (Damn people, it's not even December yet.)

Anyway, if you must have Christmas music this early, at least make it funny. (Eileenie - this one's for you!)


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Actually the MacKenzie Bros were on SCTV, not SNL.

Jo said...

You have a fun blog. I always loved Bob and Doug. And everything in that video is so Canadian. As soon as I clicked on your blog and saw the title "And A Beer", I knew you were referring to Bob and Doug.

And actually Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas did guest appearances on Saturday Night Live, as "the McKenzie Brothers in New York City", so they were actually on both shows.

Hey, I know my Canadiana, eh?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I apologize for sounding like a d*ck in my first comment. Please forgive me.

A's Mom said...

Who needs the original version, right?? Especially when you get beer in this one!

Wenderina said...

Dr. Monkerstein: Thank goodness Josie came to my rescue. I know I never watched SCTV (due to cable limitations in my house), so I was trying to figure out how I could have possibly known Bob and Doug if not through SNL!

Josie: Welcome - I look forward to sharing U.S. and Candiana with you.

A's Mom: yes - this shorter and funnier version is my favorite. Just please don't bombard me with Dominic the Donkey.