Monday, December 3, 2007

Team? Teaching

I began my 2nd semester (2nd class) this weekend, pursuing my master's degree. When I arrived I learned that we had been assigned "Team Teachers". This meant two teachers in the room conducting the class, giving assignments and basically splitting the work. Hmmmm.

No problem right?


Teacher #1: On schedule, on point, structured, focused.
Teacher #2: Um...not so much. She interrupted a lot and wanted to go on tangents.

Teacher #1: Has taught grad program courses and multiple universities.
Teacher #2: Has never taught.

Teacher #1: Provided instruction with case study examples and expected student participation. Guided and corrected as discussions unfolded.
Teacher #2: Had incredibly long pauses where she couldn't figure out what she had planned to say, then took one student's personal example/homework and spent 45 minutes quizzing him about details on class time.

Teacher #2: Is totally clueless - I just know it.
Teacher #1: Is struggling not to roll her eyes at Teacher #2 - I know that too.


AmyBow said...

My dad "team taught" an education course (teaching people how to be teachers) not by choice. He was an educator for 35 years, this woman was an academic. He spent most of the time correcting things she said. E.g., Her: "Don't be afraid to teach veteran teachers your new ideas." Him: "...if you want to be ostracized."

Haley said...

Haha, team teaching. I'm not sure where I stand on that.

So sorry to disappear on everyone. It's been crazy in life, but nothing too bad! i'll try and post here in the next few days to fill everyone in!

Thanks for worrying!

Unknown said...

I'm pretty much thinking "NO" on the team-teaching thing. Velma has team-teachers this year and it drives me crazy. I can't imagine trying to deal with it at the grad level.

Mrs. G. said...

I have done this team deal, and I can't tell you how much I HATE it. I often think teachers are like's better if there is only one up in front at a time.