Thursday, December 20, 2007

Seeking That Christmas Spirit

I'm notorious for being out of sync with the Christmas spirit. I usually get in the mood for Christmas It seems I've been in a battle with the calendar for most of my life. I hate prescribed days of celebration. I want to celebrate, when I WANT to celebrate. Not because some president declared it a national holiday, or because someone decided that Jesus was born on December 25 (highly doubtful FYI), or a Hallmark exec wanted a reason to sell cards and stupid candy gifts on February 14. I even hate my birthday - although I do allow my mom to celebrate it cuz, hey, she went through the labor and all that.

So this year, for the first time in several, I gathered up my energy, heaved a deep sigh, and dug out the christmas decorations. We even bought a tree (which by the way, was an environmental battle in my head, but since the damn trees are already cut down it's not like I could save it or anything). Sorry Al (Gore), but you know, since your mansion is still burning the fuel oil etc., I guess you can give me a pass on the Christmas tree.

Although my photos cannot rival the extraordinary beauty of those on 60 piggies (really you have to stop right now and go see some of her recent photos!) this is the result of my dogged determination to get some Christmas spirit BEFORE December 24/25.

A little winter wonderland on my windowsill.

Some fresh greens and holly branches on my mantle.
(note to self, when trimming greens and lights are in place,
don't cut the wire with the branch...can result in small electrical surge...)

O Christmas Tree...O Christmas Tree...You're A Little Short This Year
(but better than years where we went a little too tall!)

A pretty ornament...or 2 or 3....

My Aunt made this one for me - from an actual chicken egg!

Another Aunt gave us this crafty thing last year...I actually love it. Brings a little Cape Cod to our home in the Hudson Valley.

Hubby's favorite decoration is our snow globe (other than his "Herbie the Dentist" ornament)

C.K. Dexter Haven enjoying my "Wonderful Life" village scene and looking for Jimmy Stewart.

This litle figure was one of the few decorations my Nana was able to keep in her little room at the adult care facility. I gave it to her years ago. Something in my non-Christmas spirit, non-religious soul was always touched by the scene of Santa visiting the baby in the manger. When she passed away, I took it from her room and I do enjoy seeing it every few years when I get the notion to decorate.

So for all of you, like me, who are looking for the Christmas spirit - hope this put you in the mood. For those of you who do not celebrate Christmas...hopefully these pretty pictures brighten up the shortest day of the year and give you a good winter solstice.


That Chick Over There said...

Awww. Your stuff is purty.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

You have exquisite taste. Your place looks lovely!

A's Mom said...

Looks very nice... Don't worry about the tree. You can always mulch it up for your plants out back!

Catch Her in the Wry said...

It's nice to know there are other non-religious people out there who simply love the lights and decor of the season.

KiKi said...

Wow, I might have to scratch pop's bday bash and swing by your place. So cozy!! Any of that apple bread laying around?