Tuesday, December 11, 2007

100 Things

Following tradition - here's my 100 things on my 100th post.
(If you have time - click on image at right to view in real size)
  1. I'm 40...

  2. for another month

  3. I've lived in NY state my whole life

  4. early years - Rochester

  5. college years - Geneseo;

  6. post college years - Rochester, Wappingers Falls, Monsey, Nyack, Monroe, Suffern.

  7. I used to play piano

  8. I guess I still could if my life depended on it

  9. but not well

  10. I used to go to church

  11. I used to sing in the choir

  12. I don't like church anymore

  13. actually I don't like religion anymore

  14. I still have faith


  16. was that really the 15th thing? It should have been #1!

  17. He met me when I was 19 - he was 20

  18. I totally did NOT want to get serious

  19. He totally DID

  20. We totally fell in love

  21. Crazy and engaged at 21

  22. Crazier and married at 22

  23. Still crazy and still married at 40

  24. I'm the baby of the family

  25. I have 4 older brothers and sisters

  26. They are actually half-brothers and sisters

  27. Dad was married before

  28. Two of them are awesome

  29. One is a bit nutty

  30. One is .... I have no words

  31. My father passed away in 2003

  32. I miss him every day

  33. My mom is still very much alive

  34. We have a deep and abiding love/angst relationship

  35. I have no kids

  36. by choice

  37. I love my friends' kids

  38. I love the kids in my family

  39. I don't want them full time

  40. Luckily Hubby feels the same

  41. I seduced hubby in a drunken haze

  42. Thank God

  43. I rarely drink now

  44. But when I do - it's some form of cosmo-martini thing

  45. mostly cuz they are pretty

  46. and they taste yummy

  47. I'm a diet pepsi addict

  48. I also love all things junk food

  49. I was an English major in college

  50. I love to read

  51. I had to change majors because my average in my accounting classes was about 40%

  52. My roommates liked to grade my tests because we would laugh hysterically

  53. We could go for multiple pages before I got a single right answer

  54. It was so sad, it was funny

  55. I still keep in touch with most of my roommates

  56. They are cool chicks

  57. I am glue

  58. by this I mean - I tend to keep various people connected

  59. I bring them together for reunions, weekends, dinners, etc.

  60. Otherwise they'd never see each other again

  61. I think (hope?) they like that about me

  62. I often feel like a scatter brain

  63. I have very little memory capacity

  64. My mom says its because of Aspartame poisoning

  65. I'm currently enrolled in college again

  66. This time for my masters

  67. I love/hate it - but as of today (one class in) I have a 4.0!

  68. One of my favorite books is Prince of Tides

  69. Pat Conroy can write, my friends

  70. My current favorite movie is Love Actually

  71. Feel good, sweet, great accents, terrific score

  72. I am a procrastinator...

  73. That's why I work well under pressure

  74. I try to make my co-workers put me under pressure early

  75. I'd love to write a book someday

  76. I'm not convinced I have the drive to start and/or finish

  77. I'm still waiting for my 15 minutes of fame

  78. I fear it will be in a "fashion don't" feature in the local news

  79. My anxieties are many (hence the blog name)

  80. But I cover them up pretty well

  81. My friends get to hear them though

  82. My husband knows them all intimately

  83. He still loves me

  84. Thank God

  85. I can be pretty tough to take sometimes

  86. Bitchy, whiney, difficult

  87. I save all that up for the people who love me most

  88. I love chocolate layer cake

  89. But in a pinch a ding dong will do

  90. I'm a night person

  91. I feel like going to sleep early is like giving up...something

  92. which is why I can never get up in the morning and get a late start every day

  93. its a vicious circle

  94. I like my job

  95. mostly

  96. I love the people I work with

  97. mostly

  98. Did I mention I love my husband?

  99. and he loves me?

  100. Thank God

Whew! Glad that only comes once every 100 posts.


KiKi said...

Great post - I loved learning more details about you between chuckles. Seriously? You are an amazing woman. Proud to know ya.
Here's to another 100 posts.

Melissa said...

OMG - Pat Conroy, Love Actually and Aspartame poisoning? I think I have found my long-lost sister!!!

A's Mom said...

Happy 100 postings! Hope I can make it there too!

Mrs. G. said...

Congrats on 100 posts. That's pretty cool...so are you.

Mrs. Booms said...

Did I ever tell you that I lived in Rochester???

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Been a busy little blogger, haven't you?