Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cape House FOUND!

While all of you were NO HELP whatsoever in my search for the perfect beach house...I found it...yes I did! This is where we are going in August...aren't you jealous????

Yup...these lounge chairs with a beach view are just waiting for me and my book.

And speaking of books...I don't even have to bring my own!

Ocean view bedroom anyone? Oh...and access to a problem!

Cool summer evening? Cozy up to the lovely fireplace!

Last, but not least..."You must be ON the Ocean, dahling"! or else, why bother?

I'm sure the mice and the ants (and the smells) will miss us...but me...not so much.


A's Mom said...

That looks like the perfect place to have a wonderful vacation!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Can we come with you?

Mrs. G. said...

I am totally jealous!

KiKi said...

I am totally jumping in your suitcase. See you there.

theotherbear said...

WOW! What a fantastic place.

That Chick Over There said...

Jealous! Party of One!

Catch Her in the Wry said...

Looks just like my place in Central Illinois except for the deck, the beach, the ocean...well, I do have books. Congrats!