Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Seduction

When you see a potential "seat at the table" it's hard not to desire it.

Today I split from the group to do some separate networking and a little due diligence of how this company we are partnering with works. I returned to our team and pulled my colleagues aside and gave them some insights. They were impressed.

Then, I was put to work transcribing more flip charts.

Mixed messages? Um. Yeah.

At the close of the meeting, I was asked some more questions and again, they seem impressed. Then I showed them something our team had worked up for their communications (Thanks Kiki!!!! I gave you full credit doll!) and they were very impressed.

This evening I separated from the group again and when I returned they were hyped from a great meeting with clients. I joined them and at first took a backseat just listening to their discussions. But at some point, it all changed. I glimpsed the seat at the table opening up again.

This last hour was magic. They asked. I answered. They questioned. I confirmed. They requested. I advised. They listened. They LISTENED. THEY LISTENED.

And for a brief time, I felt it. My butt in the seat at the table. Me.

And suddenly I thought, "Mr. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?"

Tomorrow (or actually later today) I head to Sydney.


LauraH said...

You go girl!! Wow, a seat at the "adult" table. It sounds like the trip is going really well. I am so happy for you. Have a good trip to Sydney. Have you had a vegamite sandwitch yet?

Mrs. G. said...

Having never really felt my seat at the table, I am living vicariously through you. Good work, woman!

A's Mom said...

I'm glad to hear that things are going really well. Does this mean a bonus in the near future??

Jude said...

You are amazing! People have always listened to's just nice to feel it yourself. Have a GREAT time in Sydney! Hope you get to do some tourist stuff..

AmyBow said...

You are such a rockstar. Seriously, can I be you when I grow up (just maybe the shorter, less glamorous version)?