Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Too Busy to Dread (almost)

Tomorrow is going to be a really tough day. I have to give some bad news out at work and draw a line in the sand for a member of my team. This person is someone I really like, but who cannot seem to get it together enough to perform as a consistent member of the team. We had two choices, to ignore it (an organizational habit) or to address it head on. After 10 months straight of near weekly coaching, the decision has been made (by a cadre of professionals) to address it head on. And then the cadre all looked at me to deliver the message.


I won't use the old platitude, "This will hurt me more than it's going to hurt you..." And this IS what being a manager is all about. But I much prefer the part where I get to praise people and hand out raises and promotions than when I have to call someone on the carpet.

Up until about 7PM tonight I had been too busy to dread tomorrow. But it has caught up with me. When I get stressed - I do chores. So, I funneled the energy into grocery shopping, taking garbage out to curb (night before! that NEVER happens), sorting recycling, changing cat litter, making up guest bed, cleaning kitchen and anything I could do to keep busy.


Those of you who work with me and read this blog will only know about this about a split second before the person this is about, so I can't be too concerned. Although I continue to rely on your discretion. I really really really REALLLY hope this is the wakeup call that is needed to turn this around. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of successful history to base that on.

But lets all think happy thoughts.

And if you believe, clap your hands....


Mrs. Booms said...

oooh, that stinks... Good luck... I know it's a hard thing to do.... :(

Catch Her in the Wry said...

Certain people will only "listen" when they are bluntly told of a problem. Think of it as doing this person a big favor. Good luck. (Clap. Clap.)