Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Blog for the Environment

I work in the environmental engineering field (as a marketing professional, not an engineer) and I've always been interested in environmental causes, but frankly the last 12 months or so have been downright scary. Our planet is definitely experiencing some growing pains, and I for one, have some fears about what will come next.

So, I'm participating in Blog Action Day - where we all try and focus on the environment for one day of blogging.

I'm just going to keep it small and talk about what I've been trying to do ever since I saw "The Inconvenient Truth" and started trying to determine what one person could do to make a difference.

1. I've changed nearly every lightbulb in my house out to CFL (fluorescent) bulbs. They use much less energy, have a longer life, and have a great little curlie-que shape. Interestingly enough, when first turned on, they are a little dim, but as they warm up they brighten. They are a little more expensive up front, and you must dispose of burned out bulbs responsibly since they have a small amount of mercury in them, but they are a great way to start making a difference.

2. I have stopped running water unnecessarily - especially while brushing my teeth and washing my face. I never used to think twice about running the water continuously as I did this, but now I realize how much wasted water there is.

3. Only cold water laundry. I'm convinced with a good detergent and pre-treatment, there is no need for hot or even warm water anymore.

4. Running dishwasher on energy saver mode.

5. Using the timer settings on my home thermostate and using the fireplace for cozy winter evenings to supplement the heat in our main living room.

Intended improvements for the near future:

1. Purchase a rain barrel to capture rain water for watering the garden in the spring/summer.

2. Purchase a hybrid or high mileage vehicle as soon as one of our current vehicles needs replacement.

3. Investigate solar energy for house and pool heating/electricity source.

4. Investigate single source power switch as shown on "Living with Ed"

Remember - you don't have to change the world, to save the planet. Start in your own home, your car, your job...every little thing when multiplied by the planet's current population makes a difference. Don't let ANYONE tell you it doesn't matter. It matters...to each and every one of us.

Make a change today!

1 comment:

AmyBow said...

We ordered our composter as seen on Ask This Old House yesterday. Yipppee for us. So far This Old House is pretty much the only show we have DVR's. Is that sad or what.